53% Waxing Gibbous Moon, April 2024
I was able to photograph the Moon on back-to-back days this April. You can compare the 43% Moon to the 53% version 24 hours later.
I was able to photograph the Moon on back-to-back days this April. You can compare the 43% Moon to the 53% version 24 hours later.
More testing and trials of my new Celestron 9.25″ telescope, this time against the 43% illuminated Crescent Moon.
In case you have not heard, there was a solar eclipse earlier this week. But on the day after, the Moon started its next cycle, and I captured this extremely thin and jagged crescent.
This being Christmas, I decided to have a little seasonal fun with today’s image. I previously captured an airplane and geese flying near or through my view of the Moon. Is it so difficult to believe that Santa Claus himself could make a cameo on this of all nights?
There is a repeating theme this week – clear and calm temperatures, with every clear night revealing more of the Moon to see and photograph.
This week’s lunar trek continues with another evening of clear sky and an easier target.
Another clear night, another clear shot at May’s Waxing Crescent Moon in the evening sky after Sunset. Taken with my 127mm Mak-Cass telescope and iPhone 14 Pro with NightCap.
After nearly a month of waiting through overcast and wildfire smoke haze, I had a chance to see and photograph May’s young crescent Moon.
Despite the colder temperatures and increasing wind, I used my homemade Dobsonian telescope tonight to photograph the Moon approaching Full.
With excellent viewing conditions on this cool night, I took a number of pictures of the Moon with my telescope and iPhone.