A comet and two planets, not too bad for one night.
Author: Paul
First Spotting of a Comet
Tonight was the first time I ever saw a comet. I missed Halley’s as a kid in 1986.
Early Sunset, July 2020
The picture may fool a bit, as this scene of a descending Sun overshadowed by incoming Western clouds gives no indication of how hot the day was.
When Franklin Almost Met Newton
My favorite part of his autobiography has nothing to do with America or any of the latter events of the late 18th century.
Hunting for Galaxy M61
I am under no illusion that seeing galaxies is possible from my location on Earth.
Clouds vs. Early Crescent Moon
Today’s story begins on the prior night, when the Moon was an even thinner crescent.
Daytime Waning Crescent Moon, June 14th, 2020
Still going backwards and catching up on items from the past weeks. Last Sunday I took a walk and found the early Waning Crescent Moon.
Sketching the Stars – M3 Globular Cluster
Here is what I hope will be the return of an observation technique I have not done for a while – sketching.
Early Morning Glimpse of Saturn and Jupiter
You can also see sloping towards the right some of the brighter stars in the constellation Sagittarius.
Morning Moon, June 2020
I have been guessing, and I think correctly, that most people do not realize the Moon is visible in morning daylight.