The Pluto matter is about the need for scientists to understand the enormous power they wield, especially as challenges become more potent.
Thanking the Planets for Scientific Advancement
If it were not for the planets, where would civilization be today? For one, I doubt I would have this computer, and the electricity to power it.
Finding Mercury and Mars in the Sky
I have now learned how high Mercury can truly be.
Finding Mercury in the Sky
Would this finally be the night I see Mercury? I had been searching for Mercury on and off for seven months.
Grinding a Telescope Mirror: The Non-DIY Project
I asked myself, “could I grind my own primary mirror?” My weak answer was…maybe.
How to (and not to) Get Kids Interested in Astronomy
I feel these are sound recommendations based on research, experimenting, and common sense, for finding children’s telescopes.
When I Decided to Build a Telescope
I chronicle my thought process on how I chose to build a Dobsonian telescope.
No, Mr. President, the Skies of Detroit and Nebraska Are Not the Same
Is the sky truly different between city and country?
The Nativity Magi through the Prism of Astronomy
A scientific explanation for the Star of Bethlehem?
Expectations through the Telescope
My early thoughts on astrophotography and its relationship to astronomy.