Why Hurricanes Cannot Be Manipulated

Astronomy and photography have compelled me to observe. Observe the sky, both night and day. Observe the sounds, and sometimes lack thereof. Observe perspective, attempting to appreciate both how large the Earth is relative to me, as well as how small the planet is in context of the Cosmos (when you spend hours staring at the sky for meteors, you tend to ponder such matters). And to observe the weather.

Weather can be simultaneously magnificent and frightening to observe. In high winds at night, watching massive clouds streak past the background of stars, I realize how powerless we can be, that even the slightest change in the variables that keep the planet suitable for life could obliterate us leaving no trace in the Solar System that we ever existed, except for our space probes and unpowered rovers on Mars.

I state this preamble as context for why I write this article. Lately there has been much fever, mostly political it seems, on the notion that weather events on the scale of hurricanes can be manipulated, to be created, directed, or both. It is with my lifelong perspective and experience, coupled to my appreciation of the scientific method, that I simply do not see how that can be possible given current technology and understanding of physics.

It is possible I am completely wrong, that such actions are and have been in the capabilities of humans. I have been wrong before on a variety of topics, so it would not surprise me. But if so, I have yet to see any simple proof. When it comes to matters and especially those that I have at least a foothold of interest in, I do not go with the crowd and believe every Internet clickbait I encounter. Call me old-fashioned, but all I want is a brief summary of a dissertation on how manipulation of weather on the scale of hurricanes is possible.

The Scientific Method

The amount of energy required to make weather modifications on the scale of hurricanes simply does not exist. Again, as far as I know and can comprehend.

The scientific method states you can never prove something true, only disprove a hypothesis as false. “There are no known power sources to manipulate hurricanes, the produce the equivalent all of the Earth’s power generation for months,” should be a very sound blanket statement.

Until there is tangible evidence hurricane modification is possible in theory with known technology, it is just as likely that visitors from outer space are changing the Earth’s weather.

Power Perspective

The power output of a hurricane is estimated to be (very roughly) over a trillion watts.

To put in perspective, that is roughly the equivalent of the entire world’s power generation for a sizeable duration of a year.

What technology exists that would allow for the formation and manipulation of raw power beyond this level of comprehension? If you want to argue that it happens similar to how a nuclear fission reaction begins, ok, but again, how? There must be a scientific mind who has written an explanation the common non-PhD person like me can understand.


Being able to alter weather at levels of hurricane power lead to vast; and possibly biblical implications. This is another reason I am ultra cautious jumping into what appears more and more as a belief skewed by political motive rather than scientific reason.

The destructive powers of the H-bomb would be trivial by comparison. Volcanic activity could be prodded to release extinction-level debris into the atmosphere. Oceanic tidal forces could be guided not only to wreak havoc on coastal areas but a thousand miles inward. New islands could be raised from underway mountain ranges. Rivers and lakes could be reshaped as easily as a child’s sandcastle. The entire paradigm of warfare known today would be different beyond even military comprehension. And all this is just for starters.

These are fantasy and mythological levels of speculation. Is this really where anyone wants to stake his sanity, reason, and integrity?

The Internet Arguments in Favor

I have, with an abundance of weariness, posted most of these ideas in venues online. I always write in my style herein on my blog, never attacking anyone, and certainly not accusing. I was hoping someone would (and perhaps will eventually) reply to one of my posts with what I seek – a simple written explanation.

Nearly all of the responses I have received have been vulgar ad hominin attacks or insinuations. If they do reference anything, it is memes or videos or hearsay from corporations and others which probably have their own motives divorced from truth seeking. The sample of replies I have received on this topic already tells me the matter may be baloney on many levels.

Many who appear to believe hurricanes can and are being manipulated point to corporations and governments the world over bragging or confessing that weather modifications are possible. These are not proofs, but rather propaganda.

Nobody is denying that Man has attempted to alter the weather. But weather manipulation on the scales currently discussed and with such pinpoint accuracy are whoppers to believe if you want to remain rational with scientific integrity.

Of the comments I received, here is the one example from an individual who showed a decree of decorum by not resorting to personal attacks, at least:

A common assertion, and indeed for some including politicians appears to be the bedrock of this belief, is that since patents exist to control the weather, modifying hurricanes is possible. Aside from being a non sequitur, you can patent almost anything, so long as you have it well defined in the context of patent law such that the US patent office will approve it. The patent office is not there to determine if a product or process will actually work or fulfill the intended purpose, only that the patent submitter is making a legal claim to the ownership of some product or process. Sometimes patented ideas can be used later for something entirely different from its origins; there are no guarantees other than the patent owner being able to claim ownership rights.

Another common reply I got was, “Go do your own research.” This is not a rebuttal. That is like saying if you do not believe the Earth is flat, you must scour the Internet until you convince yourself otherwise, else you are ignorant. The burden is never on you or me to disprove fringe replacement paradigms.


If the idea that weather can be altered on hurricane-level scales is even halfway plausible, there must be a few-page summary of a dissertation floating around to explain the science behind it. If there isn’t, it should not be hard for the proponents to use an AI language model to draft a summary that could eventually be edited as a public proof.

What are your thoughts on this? Am I missing the obvious? Is weather manipulation just a known thing, and I am way behind the curve? I am curious to know how others view the entire matter.

Thanks for reading!



I write frequently about astrophotography, technology advice, and my other interests like science fiction. I have over 30 years of experience in computer programming, information technology, and project management.

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