Starlog October 22nd, 2022, 9:55 p.m. local time
It took weeks trying for the right chance, but I finally was able to decently photograph Jupiter’s Great Red Spot this year. Moreover, I manged a full, non-composite shot with three of the Galilean moons, the final image found above.
My next planetary photographing target should be Mars, which reaches its opposition in December. I may also attempt to observe Uranus, as its opposition happens in early November.
Summary of my equipment, settings, and software used:
- Telescope: Dobsonian reflector 254mm / 10″ (homemade)
- Camera: Canon EOS Rebel SL3
- Barlow: TeleVue Powermate x5 1.25″
- Filter: Baader Neodymium 1.25″
- Canon T ring and adapter
- Relevant camera settings:
- ISO 200
- Exposure: 30
- HD video at 60fps
- Created from three videos of about 25s each, best 35% of frames (via Autostakkert)
- Software for post-processing:
- Autostakkert
- Registax 6
- PaintShop Pro for minor touch-ups