After what felt like months, the skies finally opened from the continual murky overcast, to reveal the Sun at day at the Moon at evening.
How I Set Up My Website’s Hostname / DNS
An early setup task for my blog was registering and configuring my domain. This article explains the key steps.
My First Lightning Capture
This weekend presented my first opportunity to finally attempt photographing lightning. I captured on the first very image.
Fowl-up On Hawk Tracking
The flight is over, and this tail has roosted. Hoot have thought, turkey was chirped by my feather readers. Owl explained at my blog!
Moon and Copernicus Crater
Tonight’s telescope session nearly did not happen. Clouds rolled in fast. I did manage literally one good shot of the Moon, featuring a crater.
Can You Identify This Bird of Prey?
Can you help me identify this bird? For years, I have been tracking it, and recently was able to photograph the creature. Read more at my blog!
On Nights Like These, There is Only One Target in the Sky
When the Moon approaches Full, for better or worse, it becomes the only practical night sky object to photograph.
Late-Winter Moon and Back with the Dobsonian
Weather conditions and my availability aligned perfectly tonight to take this picture of the Moon from my telescope.
Choosing Between and Self-Hosting
As part of my series on how I created my website, this article focuses on why I went with self-hosting over a hosting service.
Set Up Citrix Windows Printing from a Linux Client
I wanted to print locally in Linux Ubuntu from a remote Windows machine via Citrix. This article explains how I got printing working.