These early Waning phase days are a reminder that astrophotography can be done all day and all night.
Constellations IV: Scorpius Rising
As you can see, my view was a tad narrow, but you can easily make out the side of Scorpius anchored by Antares.
When is the Moon fully Full?
When is the Moon truly full? If you look at my image above from last night, taken with my digital camera, you may believe this is a Full Moon.
Memories of Jupiter
It is entirely possible that my filter opinions are just that, and yours may be different.
Constellations III: Of the Summer Triangle
I have been searching for a way to accentuate the stars based on their brightness, short of manually blowing them up.
My Hunt for Pluto, Part II: The False Star
The best way I can confirm/reconfirm which dot was Pluto would be to sketch the area around HIP 94372 once Pluto has moved significantly.
Alternative Moon Perception
The Moon, but not the Moon. Quickly I detached my smartphone from its mount and took several pictures of the phenomenon.
Discovering the Moon’s Craters
With that telescope, this eyepiece setup magnifies about 333 times!
Better Than a Quarter Moon
“Ok. Just make sure you produce something fantastic worth both our time.”
Two Sides of the Quarter Moon
“Ok, deal, but you’re cooking dinner tonight.”