Early Evening Moon in Early June, 2022
Usually I attempt to center my Moon images, but tonight I felt it better to off center and magnify, to accentuate the limited surface area.
Usually I attempt to center my Moon images, but tonight I felt it better to off center and magnify, to accentuate the limited surface area.
Take sky viewing opportunities when you can. Tonight’s incredibly warm Spring temps and clear night were ideal for imaging the Moon.
After what felt like months, the skies finally opened from the continual murky overcast, to reveal the Sun at day at the Moon at evening.
Tonight’s telescope session nearly did not happen. Clouds rolled in fast. I did manage literally one good shot of the Moon, featuring a crater.
Weather conditions and my availability aligned perfectly tonight to take this picture of the Moon from my telescope.
After photographing both the Sun and Moon with the same equipment, I compared the images side-by-side. Is an eclipse possible?
After I photographed the Sun the day prior, I used the same equipment to image the Moon. In this article I compare the setups.
The string of consecutive pleasant-weather days and nights continued, though this late afternoon was tempting the streak.
Continuing the daily series this week of evening astrophotography sessions, tonight I focused completely on the Moon.
As promised, the Moon has appeared to creep closer to Venus.