Early Saturday evening, I doubted I would see the Lunar Eclipse. But the clouds broke close to midnight. At my blog is my full account.
Tag: Weather
Fire Drill In Preparation for Disastrous Eclipse Weather
The weather forecast looks very bad for Sunday’s Lunar Eclipse. In preparation, I adjusted my telescope setup, as explained at my blog.
My First Lightning Capture
This weekend presented my first opportunity to finally attempt photographing lightning. I captured on the first very image.
Weather Reports from the 2019 Lunar Eclipse
Like last year’s, the Moon began to form an unnatural crescent, and yet unlike last year’s there formed a reddish hue as it reached totality.
Waiting for Winter to Reopen the Sky
I wish there was more to say and show from the past few weeks, but the weather has not been cooperating.
Weather Reports from the 2018 Lunar Eclipse
I had prepared my 127mm Mak-Cass and digital camera with tripod, hoping to see and capture this morning’s Lunar Eclipse event.