Late Afternoon Moon

Starlog May 5th, 2017, 5:00 p.m. local time

We usually never see a late afternoon Moon.  Likely, we are ending our work days then and more concerned with getting home or elsewhere. And even when we may be inclined to look up, it will either be too cloudy or too bright from the Sun’s glare to scan the sky.

I noticed the Waxing Gibbous Moon on this unusually clear and blue day.  The angle of the Moon is one we rarely see, with the terminator line pointing down to the East.

This picture was taken with my Canon EOS Rebel SL1, 300mm, 1/1600 exposure, f/14.


I write about astrophotography, technology niches, and my other interests. I have over 30 years of experience in computer programming, information technology, and project management. Follow my blog from

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