Starlog May 3rd, 2020, 9:35 p.m. local time
Time to start getting the telescopes out more regularly, as the weather warms but is not too warm yet. I almost thought I would miss the Moon tonight, as clouds started to roll in. Despite an overall haze, I was able to both observe and take images of the Moon, though little else was visible in the sky except for a few bright stars, like Regulus.
This is a afocal image, i.e. effectively holding my phone next to the eyepiece, with the help of a smartphone mount to clasp onto the eyepiece.
Image settings for reference:
- 254mm Dobsonian
- f/1.8
- 1/100 sec exposure
- ISO 24
- 14.5mm eyepiece (1.25″)
- Moon filter on eyepiece
- iPhone XS with NightCap app on eyepiece mount
- Touchups in PaintShop Pro and AfterShot Pro