My robot vacuum recently failed after nearly four years of service. In 2018, I bought an extended protection plan. Would the plan fix it?
A Day Shorter Than the Prior
I once thought of the dwindling daylight as depressing and bad. But now, I look forward to observing the earlier darkening sky.
Moon, Saturn, and Capricornus, June 2022
I stayed up to 3 a.m. to see the Moon as well as planets Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, and Venus. Mercury, starting to rise, was obstructed by trees.
Take Incredible Moon Photos with a Telescope and Smartphone
Want to learn how to take stunning photographs of the Moon? This article is for you! Here is my step-by-step guide to image the Moon like I do.
Perfect Day for an Afternoon Spring Stroll
Some days are too opportune to pass on taking them in, and today was one of them. Here are a couple of pictures from my walk.
More June Moon, Because Why Not?
I was fortunate these past nights to have nearly identical/ideal conditions for sky observation. Last night the Moon was at 9%; tonight was 15%.
Early Evening Moon in Early June, 2022
Usually I attempt to center my Moon images, but tonight I felt it better to off center and magnify, to accentuate the limited surface area.
Weather Reports from the May 2022 Lunar Eclipse
Early Saturday evening, I doubted I would see the Lunar Eclipse. But the clouds broke close to midnight. At my blog is my full account.
Fire Drill In Preparation for Disastrous Eclipse Weather
The weather forecast looks very bad for Sunday’s Lunar Eclipse. In preparation, I adjusted my telescope setup, as explained at my blog.
Very Warm Spring Night – Late Gibbous Moon, May 2022
Take sky viewing opportunities when you can. Tonight’s incredibly warm Spring temps and clear night were ideal for imaging the Moon.