After photographing both the Sun and Moon with the same equipment, I compared the images side-by-side. Is an eclipse possible?
Crescent Moon February 2022, Plus Comparison to Solar Imaging
After I photographed the Sun the day prior, I used the same equipment to image the Moon. In this article I compare the setups.
Photographing the Sun in Winter
What’s it like to photograph the Sun in the middle of Winter? I decided to try with my #telescope on this very cold Saturday morning.
Why Did I Self Host My Blog?
I decided to self host my own blog. But why, and why not go with an established hosting service? In this article I explain my key reasons.
Observing the Solar System through Six Seasons of “The Expanse”
My observations after watching the six seasons of “The Expanse” on Amazon Prime, with an emphasis and angle on how the Solar System is portrayed.
How I Set Up My Website & Blog – The Complete Outline
This is the outline of topics of how I created my own website and blog. I will fill in the outline by linking articles as they are written.
From Projects to Operations: Successful Transitions for IT Projects
Here are my tips to ensure a successful transition of IT projects to the operations team(s) that will support the final deliverable.
My Favorite Christmas Movie
Here is a lighthearted and common topic, that of this blogger’s favorite Christmas movie.
Framing the Pleiades
The Pleiades were the last stars I photographed during the 2021 Lunar Eclipse. I framed this picture in context of my prior images and sketches.
The Orion Nebula via Smartphone, 2021
At 2 a.m. I did not want to retool my equipment for the entire constellation, but decided a quick look towards Orion’s nebula wouldn’t hurt.