After I took my first true pictures of Orion early last week, while pleased with the results, I felt the images were still lacking.
The Planet Hunter: Venus and Mercury!
My first thought was, oh crap, I almost forgot about that! I further completely forgot that Venus and Mercury would be very close tonight.
Waning Moon, March 2018
Though I missed taking a picture of the Full Moon on March 1st, I did get this picture the following night of the early Waning Moon.
Constellations VII: Orion and Taurus
Waxing Moon notwithstanding, these conditions were perfect for tripoding my camera and trying out my new wide-field lens.
Waiting for Winter to Reopen the Sky
I wish there was more to say and show from the past few weeks, but the weather has not been cooperating.
Weather Reports from the 2018 Lunar Eclipse
I had prepared my 127mm Mak-Cass and digital camera with tripod, hoping to see and capture this morning’s Lunar Eclipse event.
The Planet Hunter: The Dwarf Planet Ceres
On Thursday night, a few hours after I photographed the Orion Nebula, I searched for the asteroid and dwarf planet known as Ceres.
The Orion Nebula via Smartphone
There were many targets in the sky, but as it was a school night, I decided to focus (no pun intended) on the Orion Nebula.
The Brightness of Algol, Part I
I had been hoping to take pictures over the course of days to see if changes in its brightness could be detected.
Cloud City
Winter morning over Chicago on January 9th, 2018.