I would like to try a long-exposure exercise through my telescope, pointed at the Andromeda Galaxy, to determine if I can capture any detail.
Four Nights, One Lamp, Four Phases
This format was unintentional at the start, but by Thursday I decided to trek along with the experiment as long as the clouds would stay away.
Morning Moon and Jupiter
I caught a great view of a very Waning Moon rising in the East, with a bonus of Jupiter following along.
Morning Moon Before the Front
My location was quite different from where I photographed the Moon last night.
Night Owl Moon
On this very cold but very clear night, the aging Waning Moon shown brightly from the East.
Constellations V: Leo the Lion (Remastered)
I have wanted to go back to my original wide-field views and…refresh them with this process. Today I bring you an updated Leo the Lion.
Dreaming of Another World
What can be said about dreaming of life in another star system?
What’s So Odd About a Young Moon in Late Fall?
The Moon has now passed by the Sun three times in the sky since the Great North American Eclipse of 2017.
Halloween Moon
Ghostly clouds and autumn leaves bring you tonight’s Moon on this last day of October.
The Moon and a Plane
Sometimes the quickest astrophotography snaps yield surprises. I was not even trying to include the plane, honest!