The sky was still not ideal, with a Full Moon. And with Mars almost due above, I had difficulty manually nudging the telescope. The focus wasn’t quite right. Despite all this, one set of my Mars videos was passable.
My First Mars of the 2022 Season
The Mars opposition is days away, and though I have been watching the planet night and morning, this was may first take at it in over two years.
How Important is Google to Driving Website Traffic? A Graph Shows
What is Google’s importance to website traffic? Based on my #blog experience, it is the only importance. Google drives most of my traffic.
Reserving My Cloud Server with Digital Ocean
This article explains how I created the Digital Ocean droplet that hosts my Ghost blog, part of the series on how I set up my personal blog.
Garage Security Cameras Using Existing Light Fixtures
I wanted to set up security cameras to watch my driveway. In this article I explain my approach, which involves leveraging the existing lights.
Lunar Eclipse through iPhone 14 Pro, November 2022
I photographed the eclipse this morning 4 a.m. I used my iPhone 14 Pro with “Night mode” for the final image, through 127mm Mak-Cass telescope.
“Interests” Windows 11 – Can They Be Turned Off?
I really like Windows 11. But the Widgets “interests” feature annoys me. I tried several ways to turn it off. Is there a way?
Jupiter with Great Red Spot, October 2022
It took weeks trying for the right chance, but I finally was able to decently photograph Jupiter and its Great Red Spot this year.
Using Computer to Capture Jupiter
After Jupiter opposition this year, I started using my MacBook as a camera screen extension. In this article, I show results from over a week.
Saying Goodbye to Linux
I decided to end my home Linux experiment. Here I explain my original drivers and my final decision to shelve Linux indefinitely.