Tonight was my first opportunity to try photographing the Moon with my new iPhone. All in all, it went well, I think, for this inaugural attempt.
The Planet Hunter: Neptune!
I detail my process for finding the planet Neptune, using Stellarium, binoculars, and finally sketching through my Dobsonian telescope.
Jupiter at Opposition with Galilean Moons, 2022
It’s been a while since I included any of the Galilean moons in a posted Jupiter image, so here is for making up lost time, through my Dobsonian.
Simple Fix for Asus ZenWiFi “Flashing Blue Light” Problem
I decided to upgrade my home WiFi from a LinkSys AC router. My new Asus ZenWifi mesh got off to a great start, until the node stopped working.
How I Upgraded My Ford Escape to SYNC 3
I love my reliable ’13 Ford Escape. But the dash computer has always been sluggish. I explain how I upgraded to SYNC 3 & now have Apple CarPlay.
Will My New iPhone Mean Better Moon Photos?
Finally needing to upgrade my iPhone XS, I went ahead and pre-ordered an iPhone 14. Will the updated technology produce better Moon photos?
Jupiter Through a Dobsonian Telescope
On the morning of 9/1, I shot the videos which made up his image of Jupiter, likely the best I can do with my entry-level DSLR camera.
How Much Does It Cost to Host My Blog?
How much does it cost to host a blog? If you truly want control as a content creator, you will need to pay.
Perfect In-Focus Night for Saturn
Years of trying to perfect my planetary imaging techniques may have finally culminated in a night where all of my image sets were excellent.
Faint Perseid Meteor Observations for 2022
Under less than ideal circumstances, I attempted to observe and photograph the Perseid Meteor Shower. The near-Full Moon did not help.