I decided to end my home Linux experiment. Here I explain my original drivers and my final decision to shelve Linux indefinitely.
First Moon with iPhone 14 Pro
Tonight was my first opportunity to try photographing the Moon with my new iPhone. All in all, it went well, I think, for this inaugural attempt.
The Planet Hunter: Neptune!
I detail my process for finding the planet Neptune, using Stellarium, binoculars, and finally sketching through my Dobsonian telescope.
Jupiter at Opposition with Galilean Moons, 2022
It’s been a while since I included any of the Galilean moons in a posted Jupiter image, so here is for making up lost time, through my Dobsonian.
Simple Fix for Asus ZenWiFi “Flashing Blue Light” Problem
I decided to upgrade my home WiFi from a LinkSys AC router. My new Asus ZenWifi mesh got off to a great start, until the node stopped working.
How I Upgraded My Ford Escape to SYNC 3
I love my reliable ’13 Ford Escape. But the dash computer has always been sluggish. I explain how I upgraded to SYNC 3 & now have Apple CarPlay.
Will My New iPhone Mean Better Moon Photos?
Finally needing to upgrade my iPhone XS, I went ahead and pre-ordered an iPhone 14. Will the updated technology produce better Moon photos?
Jupiter Through a Dobsonian Telescope
On the morning of 9/1, I shot the videos which made up his image of Jupiter, likely the best I can do with my entry-level DSLR camera.
How Much Does It Cost to Host My Blog?
How much does it cost to host a blog? If you truly want control as a content creator, you will need to pay.
Perfect In-Focus Night for Saturn
Years of trying to perfect my planetary imaging techniques may have finally culminated in a night where all of my image sets were excellent.