The Memorial Day weekend provided a few good nights of clear or mostly clear skies.
Month: May 2017
Daylight Moon with Venus
Normally I complain about my blocked view of the East sky, due to trees and neighbors’ houses. But sometimes the setup has its benefits.
Short Animation of Io, Jupiter, and Europa, May 16th
I attempted to put together a sequence of Jupiter images to make an animation.
A Montage of Jupiters from the Past Week
Here are the several other Jupiter images from the past week I did not post about previously on this blog.
Merging the Telescope World with the Real World
The important aspect of this picture is that it captures all of Jupiter’s Galilean moons.
Jupiter and Two Moons
Apparently it is possible to get Jupiter and its moons into the same picture.
Moon Closeup on May 7th
I was surprised and a little alarmed at how the sky was brightened.
Where Have All the Sunspots Gone?
If you can see any more sunspots, then I applaud your observation skills.
Great Red Spot Makes a Cameo
I need to align the camera’s orientation such that Jupiter moves through the field view at a plane horizontal to the camera.
Late Afternoon Moon
We usually never see a late afternoon Moon.