Waxing Gibbous Moon 88%, April 2023

Starlog April 2nd, 2023, 9:26 p.m. local time

Temperatures climbed over 50 degrees Fahrenheit this afternoon, with clear skies, misleading me to believe it may be a decent evening to bring out the telescope. Hours later after Sunset, it was considerably colder and I kept returning into my house for additional clothing layers. The bitter night wind was picking up, but since I already had the Dobsonian outside, I photographed the 88% Moon.

I am still trying to understand the multiple lenses on the iPhone 14 Pro. Case in point tonight – I aligned the phone to mount with the stock camera app, but tonight NightCap could not see out of that lens. I had to re-adjust the phone until NightCap could “see” through the hole at the back of the mount. I need to become more acquainted with the advanced camera features of the phone and how to control them for astrophotography.

Equipment Used:

  • 254mm Dobsonian telescope (homemade)
  • 23mm eyepiece
  • No eyepiece filter
  • iPhone 14 Pro
  • Smartphone telescope eyepiece adapter
  • NightCap app on iPhone
  • f/1.8
  • 1/7000 sec exposure
  • ISO 57
  • Focal length: 7mm
  • Touchups in PaintShop Pro and AfterShot Pro


I write about astrophotography, technology niches, and my other interests. I have over 30 years of experience in computer programming, information technology, and project management. Follow my blog from WordPress.com.

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