Starlog October 6th, 2020, 8:20 p.m. local time
As the title implies, this was likely my final closeup attempt of Jupiter for the year. The planet is noticeably smaller than it was at opposition three months ago. It is also now lower in the sky, making it more difficult for me to photograph.
But I will continue to observe Jupiter, as it remains close to Saturn as they move towards their December conjunction.
Summary of my equipment, settings, and software used:
- Telescope: Dobsonian reflector 254mm / 10″ (homemade)
- Camera: Canon EOS Rebel SL3
- Barlow: TeleVue Powermate x5 1.25″
- Filter: Baader Neodymium 1.25″
- Canon T ring and adapter
- Relevant camera settings:
- ISO 800
- Exposure: 40
- HD video at 60fps
- Created from three videos of about 25s each, best 25-35% of frames
- Software for post-processing:
- Autostakkert
- Registax 6
- PaintShop Pro for minor touch-ups