“Planet season” officially began for me this early morning as I observed and photographed both Saturn and Jupiter before their oppositions.
Quick Early August Moon, 2022
Tonight’s Lunar image was from a wide-angle view. I chose this cropping for balance, acknowledging the lack of surrounding trees.
More ISS, with Annotated Constellations
For this evening’s ISS photo session, I used nova.astrometry.net to map the surrounding constellations.
ISS Travels Through The Big Dipper, and By The North Star
The Summer of tracking the ISS continued tonight, this time with a fly-through of The Big Dipper, and an extremely close encounter with Polaris.
Summer Double Feature – International Space Station
The International Space Station made not one but two appearance on this warm, July Summer evening, both easily visible. One South and one North.
Bright, Clear Moon, July 2022, Plus Missing the ISS
After a week of bad cloudy skies, today was clear, a wonderful opportunity to observe and photograph the very bright 75% illuminated Moon.
Capturing Cloud Shadows
Today’s image is from a few days ago, when I attempted to capture prairie cloud shadows. I was only partially successful.
A Story for All Americans
On this American Independence Day, I reflect on the life work of the “proto” American and a key Founding Father, Benjamin Franklin.
Closeup of the 5% Moon, July 1st 2022
My prior article featured a wide sky view of the early Moon, one of two camera setups. This article’s Moon image is from the latter setup.
Crescent Moon & West Sky, July 1st 2022
Welcome to July. Tonight’s sky observation presented a remarkably clear view of the 5% illuminated Moon about a half hour after Sunset.