So I did what any amateur astrophotographer would do…I got out my iPhone, set it to “Pano” mode, and took the accompanying long picture.
Making Sense of Jupiter’s Problems
See the first image in this post? You should notice two issues with it.
Trees and Planets and Light Pollution
I took this picture with my iPhone quickly as I was packing up my telescope on Jupiter’s opposition night.
Moon and Venus at Sunset, August 13th, 2021
I intentionally rerouted my evening walk so I could get a better perspective on both the Moon and Venus.
Quarter Moon, August 2021
On a side note, I missed the Perseid meteors this year as the sky was bad most of last week.
Clear Skies (as in, no smoke) – August 2nd, 2021
On the same day I took my recent Saturn and Jupiter images, approximately 18 hours afterward, I went for an evening stroll.
Wonderful Jupiter during Saturn’s Opposition, August 2021
Why did I wait to 1am to photograph Saturn a few days ago? Because it had to clear the trees blocking my South sky view.
Saturn Opposition, August 2021
Though it was difficult at times to locate Saturn, I think the results were good.
ISS Flyover May 29th, 2021
With finally a completely clear night, I set up my iPhone with NightCap to record the ISS traveling overhead.
Vernal Equinox Moon, Spring 2021, via iPhone
My primary target for the evening was the Moon, still in Crescent Phase.