The image above was the most spectacular, captured very early in the session.
Early Riser, Moon and Mars, June 2020
This was the closest I’ve seen a planet to the Moon in the few years of this blog.
Fifth Night of the Comet: End of the Tail
I watched it and felt a sense of loss, that soon, this comet would never be seen by me or anyone else again for thousands of years.
Friday Night with Jupiter and Saturn
Continuing the series of images from this past Friday night were shots taken of Jupiter and Saturn.
Interpretive Moon
Its early crescent was already low when dark fully settled, trapped within my western treeline.
Midday Bicycle Break
A small break from the comet and stars and planets.
Fourth Night of the Comet: Fun with NightCap
I tried an observation only since the sky had some patches of openness towards the Northwest.
Third Night of Neowise: The Comet Made for a Dob
Of all the views I have seen myself so far of Neowise, the simple view from the Dob has been my favorite.
Second Night of the Comet
Between my first sighting of C/2020 F3 on the 13th of July to my second sighting on the 16th was a period of unusable cloud cover.
ISS Under the Dipper
In hindsight, this may have been a nice long-exposure NightCap image.