Just an image from a September early evening walk in a park. Taken with an iPhone & the NightCap app, with minor touchups in PaintShop Pro.
What Star Wars Meant to Me
Star Wars has been shredded by Disney over the past decade. As a fan since the 1970s, I consider this a dead storytelling universe, animated in mortem only for profit and political agenda. In this article from 2019, I reflect on my lifelong Star Wars experience.
Imaging Jupiter – How Many Frames to Stack?
Planetary (as well as deep sky) imaging requires stacking multiple picture frames, either actual still images or the frames from a video.
Another Morning Moon
These may be becoming redundant, but it was yet another great morning for capturing the daytime Moon.
More Morning Moon
Another clear morning allowed for a Day 3 of photographing the Waning Moon.
Moon and Clouds, and Trees and Sky
An aging Waning Moon means the current early evening skies are free of moonlight. So the skies should be good for stargazing, if they are clear.
Waning Moon and Clouds
This picture finally reveals the details of the Moon I have been looking for through the unaided iPhone camera.
Saturn and Overcompensating
As with Jupiter, I relied on all of my past experiences for the preliminary camera settings, specifically for ISO and exposure.
New Jupiter Options
Another benefit, I believe, of the new camera is that I can finally process a Drizzle in Autostakkert.
Equipment Obsession
A non-photographer taking pictures in a hobby he knows little about, and then writing about it all in a venue not his forte!