After seven years, the dust covers on my Dobsonian telescope needed replacing. In this article, I explain what I did to procure new covers, and show the results.
Why Does the American President Need Access to My Phone?
When I think of the “presidential alert system,” I always ask myself, why? Under what circumstance would Free Men in a Free Constitutional Republic endure the service of interruption by one select branch of the federal government?
The Closest of the Bright Objects
In all the years I have photographed the Moon and Venus together, this is likely the closest I have ever seen them in the sky.
How I Fine Tune Focus on Jupiter
I missed the actual Jupiter opposition by a few days, due to weather. But Saturday night had very clear skies, so I waited until near midnight to photograph the planet.
The 90% Waning Gibbous Moon, October 2023
For my several astronomy readers out there, it has been a while since I posted a good astrophotography image and article. I hope this one makes up a bit for the absence.
How Overwatch’s 5v5 is Mathematically Inferior to the Old 6v6
In this article I discuss Overwatch’s 5v5 team makeup problem and how the current situation is inferior to the prior 6v6 scheme in the first incarnation of the game.
A Blue Moon with a Touch of Blue!
This may be the closest to “true Full” that I have photographed. If you can see in the upper-right/towards right, there is a small line of craters at the edge, then the rest of the Moon’s ellipse is straight-on smooth. I missed true Full by probably a few hours, but I had to let the Moon clear the trees surrounding my back deck.
Saturn at Opposition 2023 – Narrowing Rings
I could not have asked for a better mid-Summer night to observe and photograph Saturn at its opposition. The only real challenge was staying up late enough and then putting away all of my equipment afterward.
2023 Perseid Meteor Shower: Seven Observed, One Captured via iPhone
If there was a theme to my early morning observations this year, it was “space junk.” Effectively ideal conditions were soiled by the incessant amount of satellites that come and go from all directions. But I did observe meteors and captured at least one with my iPhone.
“Who is Lizzo?” and Other Questions I Don’t Want My Website’s Chat Bot to Answer
In this article, I share examples that I leveraged in attempts to focus my chat bot near-exclusively on content that I write about at my blog,