Young Crescent Moon with Venus
This is a rare view of the Moon. Looking through my archives, the only time I photographed a similar phase was after the 2017 Solar Eclipse.
This is a rare view of the Moon. Looking through my archives, the only time I photographed a similar phase was after the 2017 Solar Eclipse.
I intentionally rerouted my evening walk so I could get a better perspective on both the Moon and Venus.
On a side note, I missed the Perseid meteors this year as the sky was bad most of last week.
My primary target for the evening was the Moon, still in Crescent Phase.
Clear and cold on the final night of September, the Moon was incredibly bright, with strengthening Mars following just to the East.
This was the closest I’ve seen a planet to the Moon in the few years of this blog.
Its early crescent was already low when dark fully settled, trapped within my western treeline.
Today’s story begins on the prior night, when the Moon was an even thinner crescent.
Still going backwards and catching up on items from the past weeks. Last Sunday I took a walk and found the early Waning Crescent Moon.
I have been guessing, and I think correctly, that most people do not realize the Moon is visible in morning daylight.