Saturn, Jupiter, and Moon, Early June Morning, 2020
This early morning view was simply too good to miss, so yes, I stayed up to at least see it when the Moon had risen high in the South.
This early morning view was simply too good to miss, so yes, I stayed up to at least see it when the Moon had risen high in the South.
I tried to get the overall sharpness, contrast, and brightness as close to the image from two nights ago as possible.
Here is another “by chance” image. I was outside early evening to photograph the rising Moon with my Canon EOS, to get a daytime shot.
With excellent viewing conditions on this cool night, I took a number of pictures of the Moon with my telescope and iPhone.
Time to start getting the telescopes out more regularly, as the weather warms but is not too warm yet.
The Moon was not my only target. Stay tuned in the coming days for more images from tonight’s session.
For those of you that were able to see it, the Moon and Venus were very close that night.
The latter-stage Moon is high above. Do I have any excuses not to take a stab at photographing it?
I have been tracking the Great Square of Pegasus overhead.
This picture was taken before my prior post, but I forgot to upload it earlier.