Astronomy and Blog Update, Early 2023

Astronomy and Blog Update, Early 2023

Hello reader. It’s been about a month since my last official post, so I wanted to provide a quick update on status of affairs and look-ahead for the year.

First, the weather in January was a unique mixed bag. This start of 2023 was by far the mildest that I can recall, providing temperatures more like a cool October. It was enjoyable until the very tail end of January when the temps finally took a dive to more expected levels. This article’s accompanying photo was from January 25th, when the weather was shifting and the birds went a bit crazy. I don’t recall ever seeing so many in those trees to my South. And it was quite a chorus to hear.

A side effect to the mild weather was a blanked sky. Overcast clouds and even fog were the norm for about three to four weeks, going back to the end of December. There were only a few nights, generally too cold and/or windy to remain outside long, to even consider attempting telescope sessions. I did point my binoculars a few times to Orion.

A discussion of the past month would not be complete without a mention of the comet C/2022 E3. I planned a separate article, but was discouraged by the results. When my local temperatures crashed to 0 or below Fahrenheit, at least the skies were clear. For five days proceeding February 2nd, I went outside multiple times each night, searching for the comet. Unfortunately, its occupied area of sky is my most light pollution-infested vantage. Despite studying the night location in Stellarium and using star hopes on +4.7 and dimmer stars, I never saw even a glimpse of the comet. It was too unbearably cold to take a telescope out or to simply remain outside for even a couple of minutes. But none of this worried me much, as I have already witnessed one incredible comet event in my lifetime.

More articles and discussions to come, along with getting the cameras and telescopes back outside as the weather warms in this latter half of Winter.

You may have noticed that I changed the website’s theme. I am continually trying different approaches to my site’s presentation. I like the straightforward simplicity of this one.

Up next will be my commentary after watching Apple TV+’s Foundation series. It’s allegedly based on one of my all-time favorite epics, and so I cannot pass up this opportunity to discuss my thoughts on this contemporary adaptation.



I write frequently about astrophotography, technology advice, and my other interests like science fiction. I have over 30 years of experience in computer programming, information technology, and project management.

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