Gradually Increasing Moon

Gradually Increasing Moon

July 8th, 2019, 21:45 p.m. local time

Well, the Moon isn’t really increasing in size, just the visible side.  Following up on my post from early last week, on the following night I snapped the Moon again (as well as a few other objects), this time providing a larger crescent approaching its Quarter phase.  Each night, as the Moon approaches Full, you can see a little more.  The crescent of July 8th is slightly fatter than the crescent of July 7th.

The night was incredibly comfortable for July.  Here in the Norther Hemisphere, it is Summer, and we are now within our hottest stretch of the year, which I will roughly mark as late June through August, sometimes inching into early September.

The sky was very clear.  If there were any downside to the evening, it was that the Moon shone bright, even as a crescent, which blocked most of the South sky from deep sky observing (as much as is meagerly possible in my light pollution-infested locale).

July 8th was a special evening.  I captured this Moon, as well as Jupiter as I wrote about previously.  One more planet from that night remains to be shown.



I write frequently about astrophotography, technology advice, and my other interests like science fiction. I have over 30 years of experience in computer programming, information technology, and project management.

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